Think Tank Blog

Who is Larry Chen? The Art of Speedhunting

Who is Larry Chen? The Art of Speedhunting


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8 Days of photography in Iceland and what to pack!

8 Days of photography in Iceland and what to pack!

I was speaking with #FriendOfThinkTank Todd, earlier, and he shared a couple of photographs and a brief list of what he's packing to head to Iceland for eight days.  Isn't it funny that, as photographers, we're always worrying more about what camera gear to pack and less about clothes? You can't photograph amazing waterfalls with a pair of jeans, so we understand why! The struggle is real! (Especially with the increasing amount of fun it is, getting camera bags onto planes) Todd took along enough gear for his travel / lifestyle video content (Have a look on Todd's Youtube) and...

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Shoot the solar eclipse with some new Think Tank and 3LT gear!

Shoot the solar eclipse with some new Think Tank and 3LT gear!

CONGRATS KRISTIN! You're our winner.  We've teamed up with #3LeggedThing to giveaway a great Tripod and Camera Bag package, but there's a twist - we can't tell you what the camera bag is! You'll be the first person on the planet with one of these camera bags, and we'd like you to take it and photograph the eclipse with the pair. Can you do it? We think you can!  #3LTTTPSolarEclipse To enter, like 3LeggedThing and Think Tank on Facebook (Click to go to those pages) and leave a comment below telling us where you're photographing the eclipse, it's that simple! ...

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The ThinkTank Streetwalker v2.0 Roller First Impressions

The ThinkTank Streetwalker v2.0 Roller First Impressions

We've sent out ten Streetwalker v2.0 camera bags to ten photographers around the globe, and we're starting to get some great feedback that we'll share with you very soon!  Jaylynn Nash sent this shot into us to share, and we'll be sure to have more for you soon! You can check out the Streetwalker series here -> click

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